Rebecca Minty
Rebecca Minty


BA '05
LLB (Hons) '05

Years at ANU

2000 to 2005

Other degrees

LLM, MA Southeast Asia Studies '11 [UC Berkeley]

Image: Supplied
Deputy Inspector, Office of the ACT Inspector of Correctional Services
Office of the ACT Inspector of Correctional Services

Other degrees: LLM, MA Southeast Asia Studies '11 [UC Berkeley] 

Rebecca’s impressive career has focused on international human rights legal policy and advocacy. She led a regional program for a Geneva-based international human rights organisation to advocate for the prevention of torture and ill-treatment in closed environment, and has worked for international and inter-governmental organisations on human rights issues.

  • Co-founder of non-government advocacy network promoting improved oversight of closed environment in Australia.
  • Worked with governments, civil society and human rights institutions in the Asia Pacific to promote ratification of the Convention Against Torture and its Optional Protocol (OPCAT).
  • Rotary World Peace Fellowship 2009-11 at UC Berkeley.