Edwina Still
Edwina Still


Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Arts

Degree type


LLB student: Edwina Still

Why did you choose ANU?
I was so interested in the breadth of learning that ANU had to offer. I was not set on being a lawyer but I knew that the ANU would give me the foundational education I needed for my life, regardless of my career path.

What is the highlight of ANU Law for you?
When I started to tailor my electives to my interests, I met lecturers who made me excited to be at university again, and challenged me to stretch myself and to test my capacity and intelligence.

Who has been your most influential academic and why?
Thomas Faunce. He was an incredible person and a phenomenal educator. He inspired me to pursue learning in all its forms and to use my brain to contribute to the world while I am here. His email signature block truly summed up his approach to his life: "Happy is the person who can recognize in the works of today a connected portion of the work of life and an embodiment of the work of Eternity." James Clerk Maxwell.

What are your next steps, planned or aspired, after graduation? 
I am going backpacking for as long as I can to take a step back and slow down for a little while. I am so looking forward to visiting all of the places I have read about in books.

What is one word you would choose to describe your ANU Law student experience?
Tough. Law school is tough stuff but you graduate tougher.

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