Don Anton has been a leading public international lawyer for thirty years. He cut his teeth as a Research Associate for Professors Louis Henkin and Oscar Schacter at Columbia University from 1992-1994. He has taught and lectured on international law around the world, including Melbourne Law School, Michigan Law School, Yale Law School, the Geneva Institute, George Washtington University, University of Colorado, University of Alamaba, Sydney Law School, and the Yangon Law Department.
Anton taught International Law at the ANU from 2000 to 2015 as a Professor of Law. He held the inaugural Chair in International Law at Griffith University from 2015-2020 and was the Director of the Griffith University Law Futures Centre from 2017-2020. In 2019, he was appointed Honorary Professor at the ANU and has continued pursue international law research and pro bono litigation interests.
- Honorary Professor of Law (2019 – continuing)
- The Australian National University College of Law
- Adjunct Professor of International Environmental Law (2020 – continuing)
- Griffith University Law Futures Centre / Griffith Law School
Significant research publications
- DK Anton, ed., International Environmental Law (Edward Elgar, 2021), 2 vols.
- DK Anton & D Shelton, Environmental Protection and Human Rights(Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012), pp 1-986.
- DK Anton, JI Charney, P Sands, T Schoenbaum & M Young, International Environmental Law: Cases Materials Problems (LexisNexis Publishing Co, 2007), pp i-xlix, 1-1689.
- DK Anton, PE Mathew & W Morgan, International Law: Cases and Materials (Oxford Univ. Press, 2005), pp i-xxxvi, 1-995.
- DK Anton, JI Charney & ME O’Connell, eds., Politics, Values and Functions: International Law in the Twenty-First Century(Martinus Nijhoff, 1997), pp 1-482
- DK Anton, Challenge: Global Environmental Protection (Sydney: McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1996), pp i-ix, 1-174.